Georgia is the country of rich traditional culture. Rely on these traditions it is possible to restore the some branches of traditional Georgian art. One of the branches of the art is cloisonné enamel.
  The oldest enamel specimen has been known in Georgia. As to cloisonné enamel it is completely accomplishment of middle ages. The artificial effect of cloisonné enamel is quite big which is determined by sophisticated but difficult techniques, bright, blest Colors, which don't loose the entry level. This `immortal` art completely reveals sophisticated taste of the society and civilization. Besides, with its valuable material it directly depends on the state's common welfare. Flourishing and development of the Georgian cloisonné enamel connected with this period, especially X-XII centuries, where the political and economical level of the country was quite high and artificial life intensified. It is especially prominent that the little spots, where the cloisonné enamels developed and flourished, Georgia was the first country alongside of Byzantium. Byzantium and Georgia left opulent heritage of the cloisonné enamel manufacture against other countries. Despite the vast amount of cloisonné enamel samples, they can't gain some insight about richness of Georgian art in the middle ages, but more important is that Georgian cloisonné enamel has its own way of development, own history which covers quite big period - from VIII-IX centuries till XIII century (two samples reach XV century as well). In spite of Georgian cloisonné enamel is toughly connected with Byzantine art, it has own specialties, which separates it as different phenomenon. As everywhere in XV century cloisonné enamel brought to a stop in Georgia and the big evolution and techniques were lost for long.
  The revival of cloisonné enamel art began several tens. Nowadays, we can say, that Georgian masters dominate the most difficult techniques of the art. It must welcome that artificial workshop `Giorgi` established with patriarchate, it collects talented youth and Giorgi Gudushauri is responsible for it.
  Samples made in workshop are serious claim in cloisonné enamel restoration and revival. Led by old traditions, Giorgi Gudushauri tries to contemplate the enamel's sophisticated art specifics, but working out his own manner, own interpretation and new approaches of the new decisions carry out. General effort of the union member artists, their talent and skills, special interest to the work, love and hardworking is the mortgage, that in the nearest future this branch of renewed Georgian art - cloisonné enamel - will  crowned by new successes.

Doctor of fine art
Professor Leila Huskivadze

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